Colin Goar
Colin Goar returned from a semester in the UK mid-year needing a room. Luckily, our suite in Mather had an opening. We all quickly became friends, charmed by Colin’s loud laugh and his readiness to engage in the most absurd discussions. Colin had a variety of friends and interests; his musical tastes spanned from Stevie Ray Vaughn to Bach. After graduation, we had some memorable meetings in NYC before drifting apart. He found balance in Arizona where he married Kelly and opened a private investigation business. Some time before his death in late 2012, we reconnected through the occasional email and a shared love of the Aubrey-Maturin novels. I miss him and often think of him stomping about his room in his beloved cowboy boots with “Tumbling Dice” blasting on the speakers. - Dan Weinfeld
Who else but Colin would run alongside friends during a portage on the Charles, carrying a boom box with a cassette tape of the theme from Hawaii 5-0? Colin was fun—he had an easy laugh, the best stories, and boundless energy. Even in the middle of the night, he’d say, “Wait, you’ve got to hear this song.” I will always remember a bunch of us crowded into his room, belting out, “Bring Me a Higher Love.” “Bring it on home.” - Conna Craig